Transfer & share documents, photos, music and more. Cross-platform supported. Online or offline. SHAREit - #1 file sharing and transfer app that suppo
Transfer & share documents, photos, music and more. Cross-platform supported. Online or offline.
SHAREit - #1 file sharing and transfer app that supports cross-platform and all types of files.
- Lightning-speed transferring
- No Need for Wi-Fi or mobile data
- Across multiple platforms
- Various types of file sharing
- Easy-to-use file manager
- One click to boost your phone's performance
- Unlimited Access to High quality online videos
- Elegant & efficient music player
- Keep data private and secure
*SHAREit will only request permissions that are necessary for its functions. To find nearby users, SHAREit needs access to Location, which is also required by Android. Accessing Bluetooth Connection helps SHAREit discover nearby users faster and connect with the Sender/Receiver more efficiently.
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